Sending bulksms without internet connection, Is it possible?
Yes it is possible to send bulksms without internet connection to all your contacts.
As a result of the spirit of service that CloudSMS possesses, we have deemed it fit to help solve the problem of internet connection that the users face in the course of sending bulksms.
Features of SendToAll™.
The first and the most important feature is the ability to send bulksms using your phone without internet connection.
The second which will be discussed afterwards, is being able to load your CloudSMS account with your phone.
Sending bulksms to all your contacts.
As long as you are registered with CloudSMS, and your contacts are already uploaded.
This service makes it possible for you to send bulksms to all your contacts through just a simple text message to this number 2348147679490 or 08147679490 .
How does this work?
You type the message you want to send as BulkSMS through your normal phone text message platform, then you send to the number 2348147679490 or 08147679490.(Note: It is only the number that you use to register at CloudSMS, that will be valid).
After the bulksms, has been sent, a status report of your CloudSMS account is sent back to you so that you will be aware of what is going on.
Loading your CloudSMS Account.
After you purchase the recharge card (CloudSMS), you then send it to number in the format given below through your phone’s text message platform.
Load(Space)for example
load 689406869048
What the above format means is that you will type the word “LOAD” followed by space and then the pin of your recharge card.
You then send it to that number (2348147679490 or 08147679490).
You Will Get an SMS Alert that Units have been added to your CloudSMS Account.
If you check your CloudSMS account online, you will see that your account has been credited.
With these features, we make sure that your experience on our plafrom is not just about sending bulksms, it’s about sending it the easiest way!
Indeed CloudSMS is at your service.
Patronise CloudSMS and send your bulksms the easiest way.
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